
Sylvac joins the Grand Chasseral community to promote the common values of the Bernese Jura

Sylvac is proud to announce that it is now an integral part of the Grand Chasseral, a community committed to promoting the region and its values. This membership is a proactive step by our company to demonstrate our commitment to the region and our desire to contribute positively to its economic and social development.

The Grand Chasseral is a brand that brings together regional companies and institutions that share the same values: Precision and inventiveness, harmony, sustainability, nature and environment. Companies wishing to join the brand must meet strict criteria that guarantee their commitment to the region.

At Sylvac, we are proud to share these values and to actively contribute to the sustainable development of the region. Our commitment to precision and inventiveness is reflected in the quality of our products and services, which are designed to meet the most demanding needs of our many customers in the region.

We also believe that harmony is essential to create a healthy and productive work environment, where everyone can grow and contribute positively to the company. We are also committed to ensuring the sustainability of our business by investing in innovation and providing professional development opportunities and work/life balance for our employees.

Finally, we are aware of the importance of nature and the environment for our region. At Sylvac, we have taken a proactive approach to sustainability, implementing environmentally responsible practices in all aspects of our business, from the design of our products to the construction of our buildings.

By joining the Grand Chasseral, Sylvac is committed to promoting the values of the Bernese Jura and actively contributing to the attractiveness of the region. We are convinced that this membership will reinforce our position as a responsible and committed company, while strengthening our presence in the region.

We are delighted to be part of the Grand Chasseral and to contribute to the positive image of this magnificent region.

To find out more about the Grand Chasseral initiative: https://grandchasseral.ch/

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